NASDSE. December 2024. Using IDEA program data from a recent national survey, the presenters discussed the features and capabilities of state ECSE data systems, including typical child record content; access to standard workforce or financial data; associations with EI, Big B data, general ed/SLDS, health and foster care systems (ECIDS); and planned enhancements.
Tag Archives: Linking – State
Data Beyond IDEA: What Our Partners Know that You Should, Too!
This session provided a multitude of resources available, data sources to guide state-level decision-making, reports to inform current or future goals and outcomes, and organizations to support engagement in the broader ecosystem.
Workshop: Analysis Paralysis? A Multi-Layered Approach to Data Use and Decision-Making
In this workshop from IDIO 2024, DaSy/ECTA staff guided participants through a multi-layered approach to analyzing data at a deeper level than normal.
Data Sharing, Linking and Integration: What is it and How do we Start?
Conference: NASDSE Date: October 2023 Presenters: Ginger Elliott-Teague, Howard Morrison This presentation differentiates data sharing, linking, and integration, highlighting the features of each type of data communication in special education […]
2021 State of the States Brief: The COVID-19 Pandemic as Captured by Part C and Part B 619 Data Systems
The COVID-19 pandemic presented unique challenges for states’ Part C and Part B 619 data collection and reporting. The spring 2021 State of the States survey provides a snapshot of the types of data states and territories were able to collect during the early stage of the pandemic (between late 2020 and early 2021) and how they collected the data. Lessons learned from the pandemic can help states improve data collection around telehealth services and prepare for future data disruptions, such as natural disasters.
Expanding your SLDS to Include Special Populations
Conference: NCES STATS-DC Date: August 2023 Presenter: Ginger Elliott-Teague, Erik Friend, Kathi Gillaspy, Leah Piatt The presenters highlighted why states should incorporate data about special child populations into the SLDS […]
Engaging Stakeholders to Increase Feedback from Underrepresented Families
This presentation included strategies generated from multiple states involved in technical assistance to improve Family Outcomes representativeness and equity.
Developing Use Cases to Support Your EI and ECSE Data Analytics
The presentation reviewed the process and components of a programmatic use case, discussed how to use the programmatic use case and reviewed a state example. Lastly, the session engaged in a small group activity to create a draft use case based on the DaSy Critical Questions.
State of the States: Status of IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems
Conference: NCES STATS-DC Date: August 2022 Presenter: Nancy Perez, Mary Anketell, Emily Hackleman, Kathy Hebbeler This poster reports responses for 50 states, DC, and Puerto Rico on a survey of […]
Introduction to DaSy’s Data Linking Toolkit
August 4, 2022. The toolkit comprises multiple sections that include downloadable tools to support Part C and Part B 619 program staff as they consider, prepare, and successfully link their data.