Tag Archives: Data Standards

The Intersection of Part C and CEDS

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Explore the Connections tailored for Part C indicators, glean insights from a national early learning organization, and uncover additional CEDS early learning resources. 
Discover how over 55 elements with standardized definitions, developed by early learning SMEs, can streamline your Part C reporting.


Common Education Data Standards logo

This presentation highlights the purpose and benefits of using Common Education Data Standards (CEDS). Published by Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) Why CEDS? Presentation

CEDS 101

Common Education Data Standards logo

This presentation introduces the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) project and provides information on the purpose of the projects, the parts of a CEDS Standard, and the tools for using […]

CEDS Version 4

Common Education Data Standards logo

This 2013 set of voluntary data standards is the newest version of CEDS which includes additions to the early learning, K12, and post-secondary elements and expands CEDS into adult education […]

CEDS Connect Tool

CEDS Connect logo

This tool allows users to find and create “Connections” among data elements to address practical applications across the P-20W environment, for example, answering policy questions, calculating metrics and indicators, and […]