The State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) is part of the State Performance Plan (SPP)/Annual Performance Report (APR) and a requirement for all states and territories receiving federal funds for IDEA programs. It is a multi-year plan intended to increase the capacity of local early intervention programs (under Part C) and school districts (under Part B) to improve outcomes for children with disabilities and their families. Stakeholders, such as State Interagency Coordinating Council (SICC) and State Advisory Panel (SAP) representatives, are required to be involved in all aspects of the SSIP.
In this section, you will learn about:
- the intent of the SSIP and an overview of its requirements;
- where to find your state’s SSIP and what you can learn from it; and
- considerations for being involved in and supporting your state’s SSIP process.
What do I need to know?
Download a PDF version of this section: What do I need to know?
How do I build my knowledge?
Click the image below to watch a webinar hosted by the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center on the purpose and requirements of the SSIP.
What are some related resources?
- SSIP Stakeholders: The Right People, The Right Purpose, The Right Plan. This 2016 Improving Data, Improving Outcomes Conference session included state presenters describing strategies for engaging stakeholders in the SSIP process.
- ECTA Center’s SSIP Resources. This website provides resources and technical assistance materials on the SSIP organized by phases.