This online resource collection provides a convenient means to access a variety of child outcomes data reports that states have produced for their local programs. Several states have generously offered their examples and templates to help other states in this work. These reports were also shared during a September 2017 ECTA/DaSy webinar, National and Local Child Outcomes Reporting.
Each resource listing describes the types of data and charts included so that users can quickly identify the reports they want to review as they consider adding reports to their data system. No actual data is included in any of these documents. These are not DaSy-developed resources; if you want more information about any particular report or template, please contact the agency that developed the resource.
Arizona Early Intervention Program Child Outcomes Report
This sample Part C report is in the form of a spreadsheet with information including bar graphs for progress categories, outcome distributions at entry and exit, and summary statements. Instructions ...Read moreArizona Part C COS Report Instructions
This Part C document provides instructions for viewing the sample report spreadsheet and how to use the report, including how to identify missing data. Published by Arizona Early Intervention Program, posted ...Read more
IDEA Part C Exiting Data Check Tool
Newly updated! The Part C Exiting Data Tool is designed to be used by states as they prepare their IDEA 618 exit data for submission via EDPass.Read moreMaximizing the Potential of Data to Improve Child Find Systems
This presentation from the 2024 IDIO conference provides guidance on how Part C and Part B 619 programs can use data and engage key partners in examining how their child ...Read more- Partnering for Better Early Childhood DataIn this session, presenters shared the value of an ECIDS (early childhood integrated data system) to IDEA programs, whether your state operates one, and when and how to become an ...Read more
IDIO 2024 Virtual Encore Series
Session 3 is Feb 25! Don’t miss this chance to connect, learn from other states, network with peers, and hear the keynotes and some concurrent and DaSyTalk presentations from IDIO ...Read moreWhere can we start? State and local strategies for collecting and using data to eliminate the use of exclusionary discipline
December 11, 2024. Many states and local early childhood programs are interested in reducing exclusionary discipline of young children but lack valid and reliable data on the extent to which ...Read moreA Comprehensive Review of State Data Systems Supporting Early Childhood
NASDSE. December 2024. Using IDEA program data from a recent national survey, the presenters discussed the features and capabilities of state ECSE data systems, including typical child record content; access ...Read moreState Snapshots of Promising Practices by SPP/APR Indicator
The ECTA and DaSy Centers worked together to provide technical assistance and highlight state practices. These state snapshots are organized by selected indicators from the SPP/APR to support OSEP’s APR ...Read moreData Beyond IDEA: What Our Partners Know that You Should, Too!
This session provided a multitude of resources available, data sources to guide state-level decision-making, reports to inform current or future goals and outcomes, and organizations to support engagement in the ...Read moreData Systems Community of Practice
February 7, 2025. Do you want to connect with colleagues in other states and learn from their experiences procuring, implementing, or upgrading their IDEA Part C data system?Read moreIDEA Part C Indicator 12 Resources
New tools to support States reporting requirements on the correction of findings of noncompliance in the new SPP/APR Indicator C12 beginning with the FFY 2023 SPP/APR.Read more
IDEA Part C Exiting Data Check Tool
Newly updated! The Part C Exiting Data Tool is designed to be used by states as they prepare their IDEA 618 exit data for submission via EDPass.Read moreMaximizing the Potential of Data to Improve Child Find Systems
This presentation from the 2024 IDIO conference provides guidance on how Part C and Part B 619 programs can use data and engage key partners in examining how their child ...Read more- Partnering for Better Early Childhood DataIn this session, presenters shared the value of an ECIDS (early childhood integrated data system) to IDEA programs, whether your state operates one, and when and how to become an ...Read more
IDIO 2024 Virtual Encore Series
Session 3 is Feb 25! Don’t miss this chance to connect, learn from other states, network with peers, and hear the keynotes and some concurrent and DaSyTalk presentations from IDIO ...Read moreWhere can we start? State and local strategies for collecting and using data to eliminate the use of exclusionary discipline
December 11, 2024. Many states and local early childhood programs are interested in reducing exclusionary discipline of young children but lack valid and reliable data on the extent to which ...Read moreA Comprehensive Review of State Data Systems Supporting Early Childhood
NASDSE. December 2024. Using IDEA program data from a recent national survey, the presenters discussed the features and capabilities of state ECSE data systems, including typical child record content; access ...Read moreState Snapshots of Promising Practices by SPP/APR Indicator
The ECTA and DaSy Centers worked together to provide technical assistance and highlight state practices. These state snapshots are organized by selected indicators from the SPP/APR to support OSEP’s APR ...Read moreData Beyond IDEA: What Our Partners Know that You Should, Too!
This session provided a multitude of resources available, data sources to guide state-level decision-making, reports to inform current or future goals and outcomes, and organizations to support engagement in the ...Read moreData Systems Community of Practice
February 7, 2025. Do you want to connect with colleagues in other states and learn from their experiences procuring, implementing, or upgrading their IDEA Part C data system?Read moreIDEA Part C Indicator 12 Resources
New tools to support States reporting requirements on the correction of findings of noncompliance in the new SPP/APR Indicator C12 beginning with the FFY 2023 SPP/APR.Read more
Montana COS Report
This Part C report provides data generated by Montana’s Department of Public Health and Human Services data system. The state and/or the contracted provider may toggle over any of the ...Read more
Early Childhood Outcomes Data Summaries
This template for Part B can be used to create charts when data is entered to show the difference from target and the difference from the previous year for 3 ...Read more
New Jersey
Child Outcomes County Performance Report
This sample Part C report provides bar charts for each summary statement, showing comparisons between county and state data for each of the outcomes. The report also shows percent in ...Read more
North Carolina
Early Childhood Outcomes Data as they Relate to the Local Education Agency (LEA) Self-Assessment
This document describes the relationship between of child outcomes data to a North Carolina Part B LEA Self-Assessment. The Self-Assessment is designed to help LEAs analyze and use data to ...Read moreEarly Childhood Outcomes, 2015-2016
This sample Part B report includes a table comparing sample LEA targets and slippage from previous year, bar charts of summary statements in comparison to state with meaningful differences noted, ...Read more
District Child Outcome Data B7
This sample Part B report shows two years of district and state data comparisons for outcomes, with targets and difference between division and state. The report also includes bar ...Read more
Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT) Reports
Included here are four different Part C documents with charts generated by the Washington State Department of ESIT data management system. The reports include a) COS progress codes and summary ...Read more
Published February 2018.