Critical Questions for Examining Racial Equity: Child- and Family-Level Questions

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1.A. Child and Family Characteristics
1.A.1. Are programs processes and procedures resulting in equal opportunity for receipt of EI/ECSE for children and families of all races and ethnicities?
Focus Question Possible Metric/Additional Information
Race/ethnicity of children served
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1.A.1.a. What are the racial/ethnic characteristics of children and families currently enrolled in EI/ECSE (single day and over a time period)?
1.A.1.b. What is the current EI/ECSE enrollment for children and families across all race and ethnic backgrounds?
# and % of children served from each racial/ethnic group
Relationship to other demographic characteristics
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1.A.1.c. How is race/ethnicity of the children served related to other demographic characteristics, e.g., is race/ethnicity related to mother’s education level, family income, eligibility for Medicaid, etc.? # and % of children from each racial/ethnic group in each group, e.g., levels of mother’s education, levels of family income, eligibility for Medicaid, etc.
Disability characteristics
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1.A.1.d. Do the disability characteristics or severity of disability differ for children of different racial/ethnic groups? For each racial/ethnic group, # and % of each primary disability, diagnostic codes., or severity indicator. Also, could present all disabilities or codes
Compared to general population
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1.A.1.e. What is the percent of the population served for each racial/ethnic group? (# of children in same age group in each racial/ethnic group in EI//ECSE)/(# of children in same age group in each racial/ethnic group in the general population)
Change over time
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1.A.1. f. How have the racial/ethnic characteristics of the children served changed over time? Possible metrics: #, % of those served in each racial/ethnic group in EI/ECSE, % of general population
Differences by EIS programs/LEAs
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1.A.1.g. Do EIS programs/LEAs differ in the race/ethnicity of the children and families they are serving (single day or over a time period)?
1.A.1.h. For each EIS programs/LEAs, what is the percentage of the population served for each racial/ethnic group? Has this changed over time?
Same metrics in 1.A.1.a-f shown for each EIS program/LEA
1.B. IDEA Services and Settings
1.B.1. Are programs providing appropriate services and supports to children and families of all races and ethnicities?
Focus Question Possible Metric/Additional Information
Services received: Type of service
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1.B.1.b. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in services received for each type of service? For each racial/ethnic group, # and % of children who received each type of service
Planned services: Amount
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1.B.1.c. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the amount of planned service for each service? For each racial/ethnic group, average amount of planned service (per time frame, e.g., a month) for each child for each service
Services received: Amount
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1.B.1.d. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the amount of received service for each service? For each racial/ethnic group, average amount of received service (per time frame, e.g., a month) for each child for each service
Amount received compared to amount planned
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1.B.1.e. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the amount of service received compared to the amount planned (i.e., amount of service received/amount of service planned) for each planned service? For each child for each service in a given time frame (e.g., one year): amount of service received/amount of service planned x 100. Average of this % for each service for each racial/ethnic group
Cost per child
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1.B.1.f. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the cost per child for EI/ECSE services? For each racial/ethnic group, average cost per child for EI/ECSE services
Full cost for IDEA services
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1.B.1.g. What would it cost to provide IDEA services for young children with disabilities from each racial/ethnic group consistent with recommended practices and quality standards (i.e., estimated need)? For each child average cost per child for EI/ECSE services based on assumption that IFSP/IEP includes all needed services and caseloads of providers are based on recommended practices
Differences by EIS programs/LEAs
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1.B.1.h. Are differences by race/ethnicity across EIS program/LEAs in any of the following:
  • type of planned service
  • type of received service
  • average amount of planned service
  • average amount of service received
  • average percentage of planned service received
  • cost per child
  • full cost of IDEA services?
Same metrics in 1B.1.a-g for each IES program/LEA
1.B.2. Are programs processes and procedures for entering EI/ECSE working equally well for children and families of all races and ethnicities?
Referral sources
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1.B.2.a. Are there differences in referral sources (e.g., parent, physician, social services) to EI/ECSE by race/ethnicity of the child referred? For each racial/ethnic group, # and % of referrals coming from each referral source
Number referred
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1.B.2.b. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the children referred for EI/ECSE services? Referral Ratio #1 = (Of all children referred, % in each racial/ethnic group)/(% of each racial/ethnic group in that age group in the general population) or
Referral ratio #2 = (# of children referred in a racial/ethnic group)/(number of children of that age group in the general population)
Complete eligibility evaluation
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1.B.2.c. Are there differences by race/ethnicity for children who complete an eligibility evaluation? Completed evaluation ratio = (# of children who completed an evaluation)/(# of children referred) for each racial/ethnic group
Found eligible
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1.B.2.d. Are there differences by race/ethnicity for children who are found eligible? Found eligible ratio = (# of children found eligible)/# of children evaluated) for each racial/ethnic group
Begin service
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1.B.2.e. Are there differences by race/ethnicity for children who begin service after being found eligible? Begin service ratio = (# of children who begin service)/# of children found eligible) for each racial/ethnic group
Age at referral and entry
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1.B.2.f. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the average age at referral and average age at entry? Average age at referral, average age at entry for each racial/ethnic group
Length of time between program milestones
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1.B.2.g. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the length of time between program milestones (e.g., time between referral, evaluation, IFSP/IEP, first service, and transition)? Average length of time between each program milestone for each racial/ ethnic group
Meet program milestones on time
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1.B.2.h. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the percentage of children meeting each program milestone (e.g., time between referral, evaluation, IFSP/IEP, first service, and transition) within timelines based on IDEA requirements or state standards? % of children within each racial/ethnic group who met milestones on time
Length of time in program
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1.B.2.i. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the length of time children receive EI/ ECSE? Average length of time in service for each racial/ethnic group
Continue from EI to ECSE
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1.B.2.j. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the percentage of children who receive EI services who continue on to ECSE? % of children within each racial/ethnic group who continue on to ECSE
Receive ECSE and received EI
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1.B.2.k. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the percentage of children in ECSE who received EI? % of children in ECSE within each racial/ethnic group who received EI
Reasons for exit
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1.B.2.l. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the reasons why children leave EI/ECSE? % of children leaving for each reason within each racial/ethnic group
Differences by EIS programs/LEAs
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1.B.2.m Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the children enrolled but not participating in EI/ECS:
  • referral sources
  • number referred
  • complete eligibility evaluation
  • found eligible
  • begin service
  • age at referral, age at entry
  • length of time between program milestones
  • meeting program milestones on time
  • length of time in program
  • continue from EI to ECSE
  • receive ECSE who also received EI
  • reason for exit?
Same metrics in 1.B.2.a-l for each IES program/LEA
1.B.3. Are programs providing children of all races and ethnicities an equal opportunity to receive IDEA services in settings that are for all children?
Setting for all children
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1.B.3.a Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the percentage of children receiving IDEA services in settings that are for all children (e.g., state-operated prekindergarten, Head Start)? For ECSE: % of children attending the regular early childhood program and receiving the majority of special education and related services in the regular early childhood program by race/ethnicity (Indicator B6a)
Specialized/special education settings
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1.B.3.b. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the percentage of children receiving IDEA services in specialized/special education settings? For ECSE: % of children in a separate special education class, separate school, or residential facility by race/ethnicity (Indicator B6b)
Quality of Care
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1.B.3.c. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the quality of the general early care and education settings in which young children with disabilities receive IDEA services? % of children by race/ethnicity in each level of quality
Requires data on quality of general ECE programs (e.g., Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) levels or ratings)
Differences by EIS programs/LEAs
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1.B.3.d. Are there differences by race/ethnicity across EIS programs/LEAs in:
  • receipt of IDEA services in a setting for all children
  • receipt of IDEA services in a specialized/special education setting
  • the quality of the early care and education settings where children receive IDEA services?
Same metrics in 1.B.3.a-c for each IES program/LEA
1.C. Non-IDEA Programs and Services
1.C.1. Are general early care and education programs providing equitable access to young children with disabilities of all races and ethnicities?
Focus Question Possible Metric/Additional Information
Attending early care and education programs
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1.C.1.a. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the percentage of children with IFSP/IEPs who are attending general early care and education programs3 (e.g., Early Head Start, Head Start, home visiting, child care, state-operated prekindergarten)? % of children with IFSP/IEPs attending general early care and education programs by race/ethnicity
Attending in high-quality early care and education programs
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1.C.1.b. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the percentage of children with IFSP/IEPs who are attending high-quality early care and education settings? % of children by race/ethnicity in each level of quality
Requires data on quality of general ECE programs. (e.g., Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) levels or ratings)
1.C.2. Are all young children with disabilities of all racial and ethnic backgrounds provided an equal opportunity to receive the public benefits for which they are eligible?
Insurance type
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1.C.2.a Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the percentage of children in EI/ECSE enrolled in public insurance, such as Medicaid and/or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)?
1.C.2.b. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the percentage of children in EI/ECSE who are eligible for public insurance, such as Medicaid and/or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) but are not receiving it?
% of children in EI/ECSE enrolled in public insurance, such as Medicaid and/or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) by race/ethnicity
% of children who are eligible but not receiving public insurance, such as Medicaid and/or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) by race/ethnicity
Public services
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1.C.2.c. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the percentage of children or families in EI/ECSE receiving other public services (e.g., The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children [WIC]; foster care; children with special health care needs [CSHCN]; child protective services [CPS]; supplemental security income [SSI])?
1.C.2.d. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the percentage of children in EI/ECSE who are eligible for other public services (e.g., The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children [WIC]; foster care; children with special health care needs [CSHCN]; child protective services [CPS]; supplemental security income [SSI]) but not receiving them?
% of children in EI/ECSE enrolled in public insurance, such as Medicaid and/or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) by race/ethnicity
% of children who are eligible but not receiving other public services (e.g., The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children [WIC]; foster care; children with special health care needs [CSHCN]; child protective services [CPS]; supplemental security income [SSI]) but not receiving them?
Differences by EIS programs/LEAs
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1.C.2.e. Are there differences by race/ethnicity across EIS program/LEAs in:
  • enrollment in public insurance?
  • Receipt of public services?
Same metrics in 1.C.2.a-d for each IES program/LEA
1.D. Child and Family Outcomes
1.D.1. Do EI/ECSE services produce equitable outcomes for children and families of all races and ethnicities during and immediately after EI/ECSE?
Focus Question Possible Metric/Additional Information
Expected growth at exit
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1.D.1.a. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the percentage of children exiting EI/ECSE who showed greater than expected growth (summary statement 1) and exited within age expectations (summary statement 2)?
1.D.1.b. How do the patterns compare across child outcomes?
% of children in EI/ECSE who showed greater than expected growth and exited within age expectations by race/ethnicity
Continue into ECSE
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1.D.1.c. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the percentage of children who receive EI services and who continue on to ECSE? % of children who receive EI services and who continue on to ECSE by race/ethnicity
Family outcomes achieved
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1.D.1.d. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the outcomes families achieve during their time in EI/ESCE (e.g., helping their child develop and learn, being able to advocate for their rights)? % of families that know their rights, effectively communicate their children’s needs, and help their children develop and learn by race/ethnicity
Changes over time
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1.D.1.e. Have any differences by race/ethnicity in child and family outcomes changed over time?
1.D.1.f. How do the trends compare across outcomes?
% of children in EI/ECSE who showed greater than expected growth and exited within age expectations by race/ethnicity over 3 or more years
% of families that know their rights, effectively communicate their children’s needs, and help their children develop and learn by race/ethnicity over 3 or more years
Differences by EIS programs/LEAs
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1.D.1.g. Are there differences by race/ethnicity across EIS program/LEAs in:
  • Percent of children who showed greater than expected growth at exit
  • Exited with age expectations
  • Continued from EI to ECSE
  • Family outcomes
  • Trends over time in child and family outcomes?
Same metrics in 1.D.1.a-f for each EIS program/LEA
1.D.2. Do past and current services and programs produce equitable long-term outcomes for children of all races and ethnicities who participated in EI/ECSE?
Exiting at age expectations and do not go on to receive an IEP
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1.D.2.a. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the percentage of children who exit EI/ECSE at age expectations without an IEP and do not have an IEP in K-12 (e.g., in kindergarten, in third grade, in grade 12, at graduation, ever)? % of children who exit EI/ECSE at age expectations and do not have an IEP in K-12 by race/ethnicity
Exiting at age expectations without IEP and do subsequently receive an IEP
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1.D.2.b. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the percentage of children who exit EI/ECSE at age expectations without an IEP but who subsequently receive an IEP later in K-12? % of children who exit EI/ECSE at age expectations without an IEP but who subsequently receive an IEP later in K-12 by race/ethnicity
Received EI/ECSE and achieving at grade level in K-12
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1.D.2.c. Are there differences by race/ethnicity in the percentage of children who have received EI/ECSE and are achieving at grade level later in K-12 (e.g., at grade 3, grade 6)?
1.D.2.e. How do the percentages of EI/ECSE recipients by race/ethnicity achieving at grade level compare with the percentage of their classmates of the same race/ethnicity achieving at grade level?
% of children who have received EI/ECSE and are achieving at grade level later in K-12 by race/ethnicity
Compare children who have received EI/ECSE with children who did not receive EI/ECSE by race/ethnicity
Differences by EIS programs/LEAs
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1.D.2.f. Do early childhood and subsequent educational services result in equitable long-term outcomes for all races/ethnicities, i.e., are there differences by race/ethnicity across EIS program/LEAs in:
  • Percentage of children who exit EI/ECSE at age expectations and without an IEP and who do not have an IEP later in K 12?
  • Percentage of children who exit at age expectations and without an IEP but who subsequently have one later in K-12?
  • Percentage of children who have received EI/ECSE and are reading at grade level later in K-12?
Same metrics in 1.D.2.a-e each IES program/LEA

Published October 2023.