With the focus this week on linking data between Part C and Part B 619, it is helpful to look at states that have already begun the linking process through innovative methods of sharing data for transition notification. In the 2016 DaSy Spotlight: Data Linkages Between Part C and Part B – Transition Notification publication, Part C and Part B 619 programs in both Kansas and Wisconsin share their work to create systems which can help them with their required SEA/LEA transition notification. Both states used joint funds to develop transition notification systems that are used by Part C to share the required transition notification data elements (child name, date of birth, contact information) with Part B 619 LEAs and the SEA.

Both states share a wealth of lessons learned and benefits about data use between state and local programs; communication, collaboration, and coordination; use and alignment of Part C exiting data with APR reporting requirements; as well as technical considerations. The authors of the Spotlight (KS and WI Part C and Part B 619 staff along with DaSy TA providers) share several recommendations for effective transition notification:
- Provide state and local Part C and Part B staff real-time access to the same data on transitioning children.
- Consider the feasibility and benefits of moving toward a statewide data system to support accurate and efficient transfer of transition data that will minimize manual processing and reduce errors.
- Consider the feasibility and benefits of creating and using a single unique child identifier across both Part C and Part B.
- Develop and disseminate transition interagency agreements that specifically address data sharing responsibilities and processes and provide training to affected Part C and Part B staff.
- Establish routine communication between state and local Part C and Part B staff regarding the coordination of transition notification data and to resolve discrepancies and issues.
- Establish routine communication between local Part C and Part B staff to ensure timely and effective access to services and supports for children and their families.
- Establish routine transition notification training and technical assistance for local Part C and Part B program staff to:
- increase transition knowledge;
- use transition data to plan and monitor local programs for effective transition services; and
- build interagency relationships.
Many of these recommendations and lessons learned can be applied when states begin the process of linking Part C and Part B 619 to go beyond transition notification and to begin answering the critical questions they develop together. Themes such as communication, collaboration and coordination are essential to linking data partnerships, as is the ability to use the data being shared in useful ways for both Part C and Part B 619 programs. So check out the State Spotlight, and as always let the DaSy Center know if you would like to learn more or have any questions about what Kansas and Wisconsin have accomplished through transition notification data sharing/linking.
Published May 2017.