In these unprecedented times, the DaSy team is here to support you. DaSy is working to provide technical assistance (TA) and resources to state agencies as you address the impact of COVID-19 on Part C early intervention and Part B preschool special education programs supported through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
We have adopted principles as we continue to focus on the importance of relationships and embody the principles of flexibility and responsiveness to the needs of our clients. Read The Early Childhood TA Response During the COVID-19 Crisis.
If you have TA requests or data-related questions, you can always Contact Us.
- The U.S. Department of Education also has established a page COVID-19 information.
- The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) has asked the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA) to set up an ECTA page about COVID-19 that is updated on a daily basis with the latest information on funding and guidance for all birth-5 early childhood special education programs regarding this national emergency, as well as information on talking to children and families.
- For specific questions pertaining to IDEA Birth to age 5, contact your ECTA state contact.
- For specific questions pertaining to Part B K12 of IDEA, contact NCSI.
Information from OSEP about data submissions:
States that anticipate experiencing challenges meeting the Part C Child Count and Setting Data Collection or the May 27th due date for the resubmission of the November Data Collections (Part C Exiting Collection, Part C Dispute Resolution) should reach out directly to The U.S. Department of Education’s Partner Support Center (PSC).
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