Category Archives: 2024

U.S. Department of Education Shares IDEA Data Sharing MOU Template

This document provides an example memorandum of understanding (MOU) that can used between the State Agency under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA Part B,619 and Part C) and the State Autism Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Program (State ADDM) funded by the Center for Disease Control. The purpose of the MOU is to share key data about the characteristics of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other disabilities in communities.

Using Data from the Behavior Incident Report to Address Equity in Pyramid Model Programs: Guidance for State Leadership Teams

NCPMI logo

This NCPMI and DaSy resource provides State Leadership Teams with guidance on the collection and analysis of behavior incident report data from programs. It aims to help Pyramid Model (PM) state leadership teams use Behavior Incident Report (BIR) data to guide program improvement to reduce challenging behaviors that result in the use of exclusionary discipline practices.

Data Leadership with an Equity Mindset

Data Inquiry Cycle graphic shows an iterative sequence of six stages: planning and design for data collection, data collection, data analysis and interpretation, reporting, dissemination, and taking action

Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention (CRIEI). February 2024. This poster describes the Data Inquiry Cycle, a guide The DaSy Center developed to support Part C and Part B 619 program staff in addressing equity considerations at each stage of the data inquiry cycle.