Category Archives: Presentation

New to Child Outcomes Measurement?

In this IDIO 2024 presentation, DaSy/ECTA staff cover the basics for child outcomes measurement and reporting, including an overview of how they were developed, what the outcomes are, how the indicators are calculated, what approaches to measurement states use, what the national results look like, how to consider child outcomes data quality, and where to access additional resources.

Applying Equity to Your Data

Data Inquiry Cycle graphic shows an iterative sequence of six stages: planning and design for data collection, data collection, data analysis and interpretation, reporting, dissemination, and taking action

IDIO: August 28, 2024. In this session, participants discussed equity and how it applies to Part C and Part B 619 staffs work with data, learned about the data inquiry cycle stages and key considerations when applying it, how to leverage critical questions and identify next steps state staff can take to improve their data inquiry cycle.

Data Leadership with an Equity Mindset

Data Inquiry Cycle graphic shows an iterative sequence of six stages: planning and design for data collection, data collection, data analysis and interpretation, reporting, dissemination, and taking action

Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention (CRIEI). February 2024. This poster describes the Data Inquiry Cycle, a guide The DaSy Center developed to support Part C and Part B 619 program staff in addressing equity considerations at each stage of the data inquiry cycle.