Conference: Division for Early Childhood’s (DEC) 37th Annual International Conference Date: September 2021 Presenters: Cindy Weigel, Senior Technical Assistance Specialist, SRI International, DaSy Center; Amy Nicholas, Technical Assistance Specialist, AnLar/DaSy […]
Category Archives: DaSy Center
Preparing for Target Setting with Stakeholders
If you work in Part C and 619 you know that, this year, every state must set targets for Part C and 619 performance through 2025. These targets must be submitted in the FFY 2020 SPP/APR due February 1, 2022. States should aim for achievable and rigorous targets. What are achievable and rigorous targets?
No Longer Invisible: Addressing Equity Through Data Use
Conference: STATS-DC Data Conference Date: August 17, 2021 Presenters: Grace Kelley and Cindy Weigel Equity issues exist in multiple places throughout early childhood special education service delivery from pre-referral though […]
Finance Glossary
This glossary contains terms relevant to finance for IDEA Part C and Part B, Section 619 programs. The terms include reference to IDEA and other related federal fiscal requirements as […]
Part C Data System Functions
This DaSy Part C Data System Functions resource contains a list of Part C data system functions designed to assist in developing and enhancing high-quality state data systems. The primary […]
Impact of privacy regulations on the exchange of information among EHDI, Part C, health providers, and families
To address the impact of privacy regulations on the exchange of information among EHDI, Part C, health providers, and families, NCHAM has gathered information from various states regarding how they facilitate the exchange of information with other EHDI stakeholders.
IDEA Child Outcomes Highlights for FFY2019
Between FFY2018 and 2019 there were declines in the percentage of children making gains (Summary Statement 1) and those reaching age expectations (Summary statement 2) in Part C and the percentage of children reaching age expectations (Summary statement 2) in Preschool Part B. The percentage of children making gains (Summary Statement 1) in Part B Preschool held relatively steady from FFY2018 to FFY 2019. Reasons states have provided for declines in state performance include: changes to state data collection methods, data quality issues, and potential impacts of COVID-19. Further analyses are needed to understand this trend.
Summary of State and Jurisdictional Eligibility Definitions for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Under IDEA Part C
This infographic summarizes national variations in eligibility policies for infants and toddlers from birth to age 3 enrolling in early intervention programs under Part C of IDEA.
Authentic Stakeholder Engagement: Why, How and What (Purpose, Process and Results)
Our early childhood community, including state and local personnel, families, and the larger community, has an interest in supporting our young children with disabilities.
Improving Part C Results and Compliance: A Six-Step Inquiry Cycle
This six-step inquiry process helps states improve educational results and functional outcomes for children with disabilities while ensuring compliance with Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through state monitoring activities.