This presentation introduced DaSy’s newly developed data leadership competencies. These competencies describe what a state data leader or state team must know and be able to do in order to effectively lead the development of a state data infrastructure and culture.
Category Archives: Source – Conference Presentation
Critical Need to have Families at the Table
Families are key stakeholders in state and local data conversations. They provide a unique perspective that is critical for program improvement. This session introduced the Family Data Leader Pilot project. This project is a collaboration between the Center for Parent Information and Resources and Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems. Participants increased their knowledge about what types of data there are, why data is collected and how data drives improvement with a focus on equity. Participants also gained strategies to successfully participate in data discussions.
Practical Tips for Evaluating and Analyzing Data on Practitioners’ Use of Evidence-based Practices
In this presentation, presenters share tips for high quality practice evaluation and analysis and present an example from Hawaii’s experience.
Making Sound and Equitable Preschool LRE Decisions
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act includes requirements for developing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and determining placements for preschool children with disabilities.
Your Best Ever State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report: Reporting Tools and Tips
This presentation provided tips and tools to facilitate creation of states’ State Performance Plans/Annual Performance Reports (SPP/APR). It included background information on SPP/APR and gave an overview of the newly-developed SPP/APR Modules.
Getting to Know the Child Find Self-Assessment Toolkits for Part C and Part B 619!
This presentation reviewed the Child Find Self-Assessments (CFSAs) for Part C and Part B 619. Presenters shared an overview of the tools, which focus on statutory requirements, best practices, and resources. Presenters highlighted the process for using the tools and similarities and differences in the CFSAs for Part C and Part B 619.
Surviving and Thriving in the IDEA Part C and Part B 619 Data Manager Role
New to the Data Manager role? Been in it forever? Ex-IDEA Data Managers share what works to get your job done—and keep your sanity. This session was not about the technical aspects of collecting and processing data. It was about what it takes to be successful in your role.
Early Transition Data Listening Session: Exploring Transition Data Challenges, Strategies, and Methods
This is the last in a series of stand-alone facilitated listening sessions provided by DaSy and ECTA focused on the transition from Part C to Part B, 619. Presenters shared resources and tools that may assist states as they improve their data processes and systems.
Developing Use Cases to Support Your EI and ECSE Data Analytics
The presentation reviewed the process and components of a programmatic use case, discussed how to use the programmatic use case and reviewed a state example. Lastly, the session engaged in a small group activity to create a draft use case based on the DaSy Critical Questions.
Broader than PreK: State Transition Planning from a Comprehensive ECCE Lens
The session focused on why transitions matter, how PDG B-5 included transition as part of the grant, provided examples of state innovations, included national lessons learned, and discussed how Part C and Part B 619 fit into the context of ECCE.