Now more than ever Part C and Part B 619 programs are recognizing the importance of creating a culture of data use and supporting data teams to effectively use data […]
Data Culture: What does it look like in your program?

Now more than ever Part C and Part B 619 programs are recognizing the importance of creating a culture of data use and supporting data teams to effectively use data […]
This presentation is intended to support decision-making for states that want to develop or enhance an IDEA Part C/Part B 619 data system. This presentation also includes key considerations for […]
Infographics quickly tell a story using data to a wide variety of audiences. This presentation will share resources and best practices for creating effective infographics and provide guidance for how […]
Pay for Success (PFS) is an innovative contracting model that drives resources toward high performing programs. This presentation contains the possible applications of PFS that could serve young children with […]
Many states share data between EHDI and Part C. Recent CDC initiatives and increased data sharing among early childhood programs have emphasized the value of data partnerships. This session will […]
Data linking increases the capacity to answer important questions about early intervention and early childhood, creates administrative efficiencies and has the potential to improve program outcomes. This presentation includes linkages […]
This presentation includes ideas and ways to improve data systems. This presentation is for Part B, Part C, lessons learned, experienced and those new to their positions. Published by: DaSy […]
Presenters will provide an overview of the national resources that are available to support COS training and TA, and how they might be incorporated into ongoing professional development (PD). State […]
States should always evaluate their system improvement efforts when shoring up state infrastructure to support practices intended to improve results for children and families – for SSIP or other initiatives. […]