Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to DaSy’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page! We hope this helps you learn more about DaSy. Click on a question to view the answer. See also Printer-Friendly PDF.

What does DaSy stand for?
What is the main purpose of DaSy?
Why is it important for states to develop and enhance integrated early childhood data systems?
Who funds DaSy?
How long is DaSy being funded?
Who are the DaSy staff members?
How can I contact DaSy Center staff?
How can I keep informed about DaSy's work?
Where can I find information about upcoming events and activities?
Where should I look for DaSy resources, such as papers and briefs?
Where can I find information and materials from past DaSy presentations?
What does DaSy offer for families?
How can I find out what states are doing in the area of early childhood data systems?
What kinds of TA does DaSy provide?
Who can request state DaSy Center TA?
If my state requests TA, will DaSy require that we make specific changes to our state data system?
Does DaSy have recommendations about what state data systems should look like?
What other opportunities does DaSy offer to states?
Does DaSy work with other organizations, TA centers, and projects?