Target Setting Guide: Step 1

Step 1. Identify and prepare stakeholders
Ensure stakeholder diversity
  • Potential stakeholders to consider include parent members of the Interagency Coordinating Council, parent center staff, parents from local and statewide advocacy and advisory committees, individual parents, state and local/regional administrators, practitioners, higher education representatives, community partners, and other state and local agency personnel.
  • Stakeholders should intentionally represent varied expertise, perspectives, and the demographics of the population served (e.g., race/ethnicity, geographic location, social-economic status(SES)).
  • Stakeholders with expertise and interest in reviewing and analyzing data should be included, without making it a requirement for participation.
Clarify stakeholder roles and responsibilities
  • Define the tasks to be accomplished.
  • Project the time commitment.
  • Outline group member responsibilities.
  • Clarify how stakeholder recommendations contribute to state decisions for setting measurable and rigorous targets.
Prepare stakeholders
  • Determine the individual needs of stakeholders to facilitate their optimum involvement.
  • Share orientation materials and related resources based on stakeholder needs.
  • Provide support for members without expertise in data analysis to build their capacity for active participation and contribution. See the DaSy Stakeholder Knowledge Toolkit: Building Knowledge About Data
  • Plan the process for engaging stakeholders at the target-setting meeting(s) by sending relevant information prior to the meeting, considering how to partner stakeholders to increase engagement, etc. For more information about involving stakeholders in data meetings, see IDC’s Stakeholders in Data Meetings
  • For more information about stakeholder engagement see Leading by Convening

Published June 2021.