Share a Resource: Upload

Upload a document to share on the DaSy website – such as a publication (PDF) by DaSy staff, or a new tool (Excel) created by DaSy. Use this form only if the item you want to share is not available anywhere else on the web. If the document you want to share is available on another website, please use the Submit a URL form instead of this form.

    Title of Resource

    Lead Writer/Author(s)
    (Names and organization, or citation if available)

    Upload File (PDF recommended, unless Excel tool)

    Is the document 508 compliant?
    (Documents must be 508 compliant before posting; if "no", the web team will be in touch.)

    Yes, it has been reviewed and approved as 508 compliantNo, it hasn't been reviewed, or I don't know if it is compliant

    Type of Resource

    Publication or ReportOnline Learning ModulePosterPresentationToolOther


    DaSyECTAOSEPSLDS State Support TeamStateOther

    If "Other" for either of the above, please provide more information:

    Recommended topic tags: Suggest tags from the Topic Library (opens in a new window)
    (Copy/paste topic names, separated by commas; suggest 1-4 topics/tags)

    Summary: Suggest text (50-200 words) to summarize this resource on the site
    (If not provided, the web team will look in the resource for an abstract.)

    Main contact person if we have questions (name and email)

    Additional information (optional)