This collection contains links to state-specific publications, presentations and other resources related to early childhood and to data systems. The purpose of this page is to provide an opportunity for sharing of state materials. These resources have been developed by the states and the findings, conclusions and opinions expressed in these resources are those of the authors. If you have questions or suggestions for this page please contact DaSy.
More than Referral: Linkages between Early Intervention and Child Welfare Data and Improved Child Outcomes
Presenters: Taletha Derrington, Bruce Sheppard, Ardith Ferguson, Christy Scott, & Kenneth Smith This 2013 collection of presentations discuss implementation issues and their implications for state IDEA data systems. Panelists from ...Read moreLinking Outcomes and CAPTA (2013)
This 2013 presentation discusses Alaska Part C’s collaboration with CAPTA and their pilot study of CAPTA referrals on child outcomes. Presented at 2013 Improving Data, Improving Outcomes Conference Linking Outcomes and CAPTA ...Read more
Effectively Sharing Information Using Infographics: State Spotlights
Conference: OSEP Leadership Conference Date: July 2019 Presenters: Jenna Nguyen and Alicia Sharma Infographics can be a quick and easy way to engage multiple audiences and communicate key messages in a clear and ...Read moreArizona Part C SSIP Infographic
This state-developed infographic describes Arizona’s Early Intervention Program, identifies its State-identified Measurable Result (SiMR), Theory of Action, and Infrastructure Improvement Strategies. It also shows how Arizona’s Team Based Early ...Read moreArizona Early Intervention Program Child Outcomes Report
This sample Part C report is in the form of a spreadsheet with information including bar graphs for progress categories, outcome distributions at entry and exit, and summary statements. Instructions ...Read moreArizona Part C COS Report Instructions
This Part C document provides instructions for viewing the sample report spreadsheet and how to use the report, including how to identify missing data. Published by Arizona Early Intervention Program, posted ...Read morePreventing Data Analysis Paralysis: Strategic Data Analysis Using Data Analysis Plans
Presenters: Jean Shimer, Patti Fougere, Karen Walker, Karie Taylor, Abby Winer, & Tony Ruggiero This 2014 presentation shares state approaches to data analysis in Phase I of the SSIP. Through ...Read more
Early Childhood Data in Action
This November 2018 report from the National Institute for Children’s Health Quality (NICHQ) and the Center for the Study of Social Policy offers case studies from Indianola, Mississippi; Ventura County, ...Read moreDesired Results Family Brochure
This 2013 brochure describes the Desired Results for Children and Families system which is used to measure child outcomes for children with disabilities in the state of California. This brochure ...Read more
Colorado Entry and Exit Score Profile
This Part B report provides entry and exit rating matrices for 3 outcomes. Published by: Colorado Department of Education, shared with permission. View Colorado Score Profile (PDF)Read moreColorado B7 Profile Sample
This Part B report provides results, descriptive statistics, and data quality that includes 4 years’ worth of data, with comparisons to state targets and state results, and trend lines for ...Read moreData Visualization: A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Numbers
This 2014 webinar is an encore presentation from the 2013 Improving Data, Improving Outcomes conference and explores the “why’s, what’s and how’s” of visualizing data. Different approaches that some states ...Read moreMore than Referral: Linkages between Early Intervention and Child Welfare Data and Improved Child Outcomes
Presenters: Taletha Derrington, Bruce Sheppard, Ardith Ferguson, Christy Scott, & Kenneth Smith This 2013 collection of presentations discuss implementation issues and their implications for state IDEA data systems. Panelists from ...Read moreIn Search of the Perfect Data System
Presenters: Christy Scott, Mike Hinricher, & Bruce Bull This 2013 presentation probes, articulates, discusses and seeks cross state audience solutions to data system challenges. In Search of the Perfect Data ...Read moreSpotlight on Data: The Role of State Leadership in Using CAPTA Data to Improve Quality
This 2013 presentation discusses how leadership shaped culture and created a focus on data in Colorado Part C’s collaboration with CAPTA. Presented at 2013 Improving Data, Improving Outcomes Conference Spotlight on Data: ...Read moreIn Search of the Perfect Data System
This 2013 presentation discusses solutions to data system challenges. Presented by 2013 Improving Data, Improving Outcomes Conference In Search of the Perfect Data SystemRead moreTracking Child Outcomes Statewide: Integrating Data in the EHDI System
This 2011 presentation discusses tracking outcomes in an integrated data system in Colorado. Presented at the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Meeting in 2011. Tracking Child Outcomes Statewide: Integrating Data in the ...Read more
District of Columbia
Use of Data for Monitoring Part C and B 619
Presenters: Krista Scott, Bruce Bull, & Debbie Cate This 2013 presentation discusses updating and aligning monitoring processes to be data-driven, maintaining general supervision responsibilities, monitoring for compliance AND results, supporting ...Read moreUse of Data for Monitoring Part C and B 619
This 2013 presentation discusses challenges and solutions in the efforts to use data for monitoring Part C and 619 programs. Presented at 2013 Improving Data, Improving Outcomes Conference LUse of Data for ...Read more
Florida Early Steps State Systemic Improvement Plan
Early Steps is Florida’s early intervention (Part C) system that offers services to eligible infants and toddlers, age birth to 36 months, who have or are at-risk for developmental disabilities ...Read moreA Data Framework for Addressing the Needs of Seminole County’s Children, Youth, and Families
This 2012 report provides examples of how to visually present data to general stakeholder audiences. In addition, explanations are given about how gathering and analyzing certain types of data to ...Read more
Under the Hood with the DaSy System Design and Development Framework: The Mechanics of a High Performance Data System
Presenters: Taletha Derrington, David Mills, Catherine Hancock, Kyla Patterson, Christy Cronheim, Rick Harris, & Emily Hackleman This 2014 presentation explores the DaSy System Design and Development Framework component, a tool ...Read moreData Governance Demystified: Concepts to Reality
Presenters: Bruce Bull, Sharon Walsh, Denise Mauzy, Christy Cronheim, Rick Harris, & Maria Synodi This 2014 presentation focuses on the role of Data Governance in protecting data and facilitating improved ...Read more
Integrated Data Systems: Successes & Challenges in the Indiana EHDI Program
This 2011 presentation discusses the successes and challenges of using an integrated data system in the Indiana EHDI Program. Presented at: 2011 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Meeting Integrated Data Systems: Successes ...Read more
Are you Ready? Preparing Part C and 619 as a Stakeholder in an ECIDS
Presenters: Sarah Walters, Colleen Murphy, Kathi Gillaspy, Elliot Regenstein, & Missy Cochenour This 2014 presentation discusses the key principles and skills needed for Part C and 619 staff to be ...Read moreIncorporating EC Data into Your Longitudinal Data System: Why Does It Matter to Part C and 619?
Presenters: Tiffany Smith, Lori McReynolds, Brian Morrison, Phil Koshkin, Missy Cochenour, & Amy Nicholas This 2013 presentation provides basic information about the differences between the ECIDS and the SLDS. How ...Read moreThe ABCs of Collecting Early Childhood Data
This 2013 presentation discusses how Kansas, who started the process of integrating early childhood data with K–12 data in 2011, approached working with early childhood programs. Presented at: NCES’ 26th Annual ...Read moreIncorporating EC Data into Your State’s Longitudinal Data System: Why Does it Matter to Part C and 619?
This 2013 presentation provides basic information about the differences between the ECIDS and the SLDS and discusses the unique challenges and benefits of ECIDS to Part C and B. Presented at ...Read more
Maryland: Establishing Partnerships to Build Data Use Capacity
This 2016 State Spotlight describes the partnership between the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and the Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education to build a statewide longitudinal ...Read moreMoving Maryland Forward: Birth through Five system of services for children with disabilities and their families
This 2016 booklet from Maryland provides an example of a data analysis product for a broader audience, including families and legislative representatives. Many elements of Data Use are addressed. Published by: ...Read moreMaryland State Department of Education website on State Performance Plan results
This webpage displays the State and local results for the indicators in the State Performance Plan (SPP). Annually, the most current data will be reported, along with updated narratives in ...Read morePromising Practices for Incorporating IDEA Birth-Five Programs in State Professional Development Systems
This 2013 session provides information about a variety of approaches used by Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge Grantees to integrate IDEA programs in their professional development systems development. ...Read moreIncorporating EC Data into Your Longitudinal Data System: Why Does It Matter to Part C and 619?
Presenters: Tiffany Smith, Lori McReynolds, Brian Morrison, Phil Koshkin, Missy Cochenour, & Amy Nicholas This 2013 presentation provides basic information about the differences between the ECIDS and the SLDS. How ...Read moreTracking the Achievement of Children Receiving Part C Early Intervention Services (Birth to Three) Into the Third Grade
This 2013 presentation discusses the findings of a historical cohort study that examined 58,839 children who received early intervening services for a cohort in 2006–07, what their educational placement was ...Read moreIncorporating EC Data into Your State’s Longitudinal Data System: Why Does it Matter to Part C and 619?
This 2013 presentation provides basic information about the differences between the ECIDS and the SLDS and discusses the unique challenges and benefits of ECIDS to Part C and B. Presented at ...Read moreA Look at Maryland’s Early Childhood Data System
This report is a case study of Maryland’s progress (as of 2009) toward building and using early childhood data systems. Published by: National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)Read more
Preventing Data Analysis Paralysis: Strategic Data Analysis Using Data Analysis Plans
Presenters: Jean Shimer, Patti Fougere, Karen Walker, Karie Taylor, Abby Winer, & Tony Ruggiero This 2014 presentation shares state approaches to data analysis in Phase I of the SSIP. Through ...Read moreEarly Childhood Information System (ECIS) Vision Document
This 2011 document provides a vision for Massachusetts’ Early Childhood Information System (ECIS). It describes how Massachusetts engaged stakeholders in the process of creating a vision for the system; identifies ...Read more
Advancing Data Culture One Step at a Time
Conference: STATS-DC Data Conference Date: July 2019 Presenters: Haidee Bernstein, Lisa Backer, and Mary Anketell This interactive session underscores the importance of data culture and highlights state examples. These examples will evidence how a ...Read moreCollecting High Quality Data on the Suspension and Expulsion of Preschoolers
Conference: STATS-DC Data Conference Date: July 2019 Presenters: Kerry Friedman, Lisa Backer, and Susan Zeiders Preschool children are expelled at three times the rate of K-12 students with African-American children and boys expelled at ...Read moreImproving the lives of young children through data
This Early Childhood Data Collaborative (ECDC) brief highlights projects implemented in three states to integrate education, health, and/or social services data in order to inform policies that influence the lives ...Read moreMinnesota 625 Part B Pattern Checking
This Part B report of LEA data and state comparisons, includes bar charts and trend lines for outcome summary statements 1 and 2, a distribution of exit rating minus entry ...Read more2015-2016 Child Outcome Data: Identify Strengths or Concerns Plan for Action
This Part B document provides an action plan with instructions for analyzing data on Child Outcomes summary ratings. Published by: Minnesota Department of Education, shared with permission. 2015-2016 Child Outcome DataRead moreWho’s in Charge of My Data? Protecting Data with Effective Data Governance
Conference: STATS-DC Date: August 2017 Presenters: Denise Mauzy, Meredith Miceli, Kara Arzamendia, & Jeff Sellers Data governance in programs is often over-looked due to competing priorities for resources and time, or because it ...Read moreThe Critical Role of Education Data in Early Childhood Pay For Success Efforts
Conference: STATS-DC Date: August 2017 Presenters: Jennifer Tschantz , Megan Cox, & Donna Spiker This session will provide an overview of Pay For Success (PFS), an innovative financing mechanism being used to expand early ...Read moreUsing Your State’s Data to Develop and Answer Critical Questions
Conference: STATS-DC Date: August 2017 Presenters: Nancy Copa, Courtney Petrosky, Anita Larson, & Avisia Whiteman Your state has a lot of data, but do you know how to use it to ask and answer ...Read moreWhy CEDS for Part C and 619: The Benefits of Using Common Education Data Standards
Presenters: Meredith Miceli, Lisa Backer, & Suzanne Raber This 2013 presentation helps participants understand the benefits of using common data elements and definitions in their early childhood data systems. Tools ...Read moreCEDS: Common Data Elements and Definitions for Part C and 619 Programs
Conference:OSEP Leadership Date: July 2013 Presenters: Missy Cochenour, Suzanne Raber, Meredith Miceli, & Lisa Backer This presentation provides an opportunity for participants to discuss the benefits and challenges of developing data ...Read more
Improving the lives of young children through data
This Early Childhood Data Collaborative (ECDC) brief highlights projects implemented in three states to integrate education, health, and/or social services data in order to inform policies that influence the lives ...Read moreEarly Childhood Data in Action
This November 2018 report from the National Institute for Children’s Health Quality (NICHQ) and the Center for the Study of Social Policy offers case studies from Indianola, Mississippi; Ventura County, ...Read moreSimplifying SSIP Reporting Through Innovative Tracking Methods
Conference: 2017 OSEP Leadership Conference Date: July 2017 Presenters: Stacy Kong, Stacy Callender, Kathryn Morrison, & Anne Lucas This poster displays multiple methods for tracking progress of SSIP activities. Two state examples are ...Read more
The Nebraska EHDI Electronic Data System and Follow-Up
This 2011 presentation from the EHDI national meeting discusses the development of an integrated data system in Nebraska. Presented at the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Meeting in 2011. The Nebraska EHDI ...Read more
More than Referral: Linkages between Early Intervention and Child Welfare Data and Improved Child Outcomes
Presenters: Taletha Derrington, Bruce Sheppard, Ardith Ferguson, Christy Scott, & Kenneth Smith This 2013 collection of presentations discuss implementation issues and their implications for state IDEA data systems. Panelists from ...Read moreOregon’s ecWeb EI/ECSE Data System
This 2013 presentation demonstrates how Oregon’s ecWeb captures CAPTA, Early Intervention, and Child Outcome Data in One Program. Presented at 2013 Improving Data, Improving Outcomes Conference Oregon’s ecWeb EI/ECSE Data SystemRead moreA Collaborative Approach to Improving Data Collection for 1-3-6: Oregon’s EHDI Program
This presentation from the EHDI 2011 national meeting discusses a collaborative approach to improving data collection in Oregon. Presented by: 2011 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Meeting A Collaborative Approach to Improving ...Read more
Advancing Data Culture One Step at a Time
Conference: STATS-DC Data Conference Date: July 2019 Presenters: Haidee Bernstein, Lisa Backer, and Mary Anketell This interactive session underscores the importance of data culture and highlights state examples. These examples will evidence how a ...Read moreCollecting High Quality Data on the Suspension and Expulsion of Preschoolers
Conference: STATS-DC Data Conference Date: July 2019 Presenters: Kerry Friedman, Lisa Backer, and Susan Zeiders Preschool children are expelled at three times the rate of K-12 students with African-American children and boys expelled at ...Read moreEarly Childhood Data in Action
This November 2018 report from the National Institute for Children’s Health Quality (NICHQ) and the Center for the Study of Social Policy offers case studies from Indianola, Mississippi; Ventura County, ...Read moreComponents of an Effective Data Team
Conference: 2017 OSEP Leadership Conference Date: July 2017 Presenters: Haidee Bernstein, Mary Anketell & Emily Hackleman The poster session highlights how data teams can be used promote collaboration around implementing data-informed decisions and how ...Read moreGoing from Questions to Answers: Using Data at the Local Level
Conference: 2017 OSEP Leadership Conference Date: July 2017 Presenters: Mary Anketell, Dina Stipetic, Laura Hudson, & Kerry Belodoff This poster displays information on building capacity for local data inquiry, analysis, and visualization. Going from ...Read moreDigging into “Data Use” Using the DaSy Framework Component
Presenters: Jim Coyle, Jan Stevenson, Denise Mauzy, & Donna Spiker This 2014 presentation explores the Data Use component of the DaSy Framework and includes in-depth discussions and hands on ...Read moreUnder the Hood with the DaSy System Design and Development Framework: The Mechanics of a High Performance Data System
Presenters: Taletha Derrington, David Mills, Catherine Hancock, Kyla Patterson, Christy Cronheim, Rick Harris, & Emily Hackleman This 2014 presentation explores the DaSy System Design and Development Framework component, a tool ...Read moreUnderstanding Early Intervention Data Systems
This 2012 two-page family handout was developed by Pennsylvania to explain key points about the PA early intervention data system, including what data is stored there, benefits to families, and ...Read more
Rhode Island
Improving the lives of young children through data
This Early Childhood Data Collaborative (ECDC) brief highlights projects implemented in three states to integrate education, health, and/or social services data in order to inform policies that influence the lives ...Read more
Developing or Enhancing Business Requirements to Improve Data Quality: Spend Time Now or Pay ($$) Later
Presenters: Jeff Sellers & Mike Hinricher This 2014 session provides an overview of the approach to properly gathering and developing business requirements for data systems. It is designed to educate ...Read moreIn Search of the Perfect Data System
Presenters: Christy Scott, Mike Hinricher, & Bruce Bull This 2013 presentation probes, articulates, discusses and seeks cross state audience solutions to data system challenges. In Search of the Perfect Data ...Read moreIn Search of the Perfect Data System
This 2013 presentation discusses solutions to data system challenges. Presented by 2013 Improving Data, Improving Outcomes Conference In Search of the Perfect Data SystemRead moreResults-Based Monitoring for Improvement
This 2013 presentation discusses the use of Results-Based Monitoring for Improvement (RBMI) as an opportunity to update and align Part C work to the broader work of the state DOE. Presented ...Read more
Are you Ready? Preparing Part C and 619 as a Stakeholder in an ECIDS
Presenters: Sarah Walters, Colleen Murphy, Kathi Gillaspy, Elliot Regenstein, & Missy Cochenour This 2014 presentation discusses the key principles and skills needed for Part C and 619 staff to be ...Read moreParent Rights, Responsibilities, and Resources in Early Intervention
This handbook helps Utah parents understand their rights, responsibilities, and resources as the parent of a child receiving early intervention services, and is available in both English and Spanish. Published by: ...Read more
District Child Outcome Data B7
This sample Part B report shows two years of district and state data comparisons for outcomes, with targets and difference between division and state. The report also includes bar ...Read moreCreating a Culture of Data Use at the Local Level
Conference: 2017 OSEP Leadership Conference Date: July 2017 Presenters: Abby Schachner, Kyla Patterson, & Tony Ruggiero This poster highlights work and resources from the DaSy Center and Virginia Part C to build a ...Read moreUnder the Hood with the DaSy System Design and Development Framework: The Mechanics of a High Performance Data System
Presenters: Taletha Derrington, David Mills, Catherine Hancock, Kyla Patterson, Christy Cronheim, Rick Harris, & Emily Hackleman This 2014 presentation explores the DaSy System Design and Development Framework component, a tool ...Read more
Published March 2015.