1.B. IDEA Services and Settings |
1.B.1. What are characteristics of the services and supports provided to children/families in early intervention/early childhood special education (EI/ECSE)? |
1.B.1.a. What percentage of children in EI/ECSE were planned to have each type of service (e.g., occupational therapist, physical therapist) according to their Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) or Individualized Education Plan (IEP) within a given time period (e.g., the past month or year)? |
1.B.1.b. What percentage of children received each type of service within a given time period (e.g., the past month or year)? |
1.B.1.c. What amount of each type of service (e.g., frequency, intensity, total hours) do children in EI/ECSE receive? |
1.B.1.d. What is the relationship between the amount of services planned and the amount of services received? |
1.B.1.e. What percentage of children received a particular practice (e.g., joint-attention activities, peer-mediated intervention) within a given time period (e.g., the past month, past year, or over their time in EI/ECSE)? |
1.B.2. How do children enter and move through the early intervention/early childhood special education (EI/ECSE) system(s)? |
1.B.2.a. What are the different sources of referral to EI/ECSE (e.g., parent, physician, social services)? |
1.B.2.b. What percentage of referred children are eligible for services, and what percentage of eligible children are enrolled in services (e.g., have an IFSP/IEP)? |
1.B.2.c. What percentage of children meet each program milestone (e.g., time between referral, evaluation, IFSP/IEP, first service, and transition) within timelines based on IDEA requirements or state standards? |
1.B.2.d. How long do children participate in EI/ECSE (e.g., average length of time, percentage in program less than 6 months)? |
1.B.2.e. What percentage of children who receive EI services continue on to ECSE? What percentage of children in ECSE received EI services? |
1.B.2.f. What percentage of children leave EI/ECSE because they are no longer eligible (i.e., services are deemed no longer necessary)? What percentage of children leave EI/ECSE because the family withdrew from services? What percentage of children leave EI/ECSE for other reasons? |
1.B.3. What factors help explain differences in the type and amount of services that children and families receive? |
1.B.3.a. What child characteristics (e.g., disability, age at entry, socioeconomic status [SES]) are related to differences in services and length of time in the program? |
1.B.3.b. How do the type and amount of services vary by local early intervention services program/school district? |
1.B.3.c. What program characteristics (e.g., geography, size, service-delivery model, finance/reimbursement methods) are related to differences in services and length of time in program? |
1.B.3.d. What service-provider characteristics (e.g., years of experience, type of professional) are related to differences in services and length of time in program? |
1.B.4. What characteristics of services are related to better outcomes for children and families? |
1.B.4.a. What is the relationship between child outcomes and length of time in service? |
1.B.4.b. What is the relationship between type and quantity of services, service setting, and child outcomes? |
1.B.4.c. What is the relationship between service-delivery model and child outcomes? |
1.B.4.d. What is the relationship between quality of services and child outcomes? |
1.B.4.e. What is the relationship between intervention practices (e.g., peer-mediated intervention, naturalistic time delay) that the child and/or family experience and child and family outcomes? |
1.B.4.f. What types of practices and supports are most effective in helping families help their child develop and learn? |
1.B.5. Are young children receiving IDEA services in settings that are for all children? |
1.B.5.a. What percentage of children with IFSP/IEPs are receiving IDEA services in settings that are for all children (e.g., state-operated prekindergarten, Head Start)? |
1.B.5.b. What are the characteristics of children with IFSP/IEPs receiving IDEA services in settings that are for all children (e.g., disability category, race/ethnicity, dual language learner [DLL], age, SES)? |
1.B.5.c. What percentage of children with IFSP/IEPs are receiving IDEA services in specialized/special education settings? |
1.B.5.d. What are the characteristics of children with IFSP/IEPs receiving IDEA services in specialized/special education settings (e.g., disability category, race/ethnicity, dual language learner [DLL], age, SES)? |
1.B.5.e. What is the quality of the general early care and education settings in which young children with disabilities receive IDEA services? |
1.B.6. What is the relationship between IDEA service setting and child outcomes? |
1.B.6.a. How do child outcomes for children who receive IDEA services in settings that are for all children compare with the child outcomes for those who receive IDEA services in other settings? |
1.B.6.b. What is the relationship between the number of settings in which children receive IDEA services in a given time period (e.g., in a year) and child outcomes? |
1.C Non-IDEA Programs and Services |
1.C.1. To what extent are children with IFSP/IEPs attending general early care and education programs? |
1.C.1.a. What percentage of children enrolled in EI/ECSE are served in general early care and education programs3 (e.g., Early Head Start, Head Start, home visiting, child care, state Pre-K)? How does this compare with the overall population of children birth to age 5 in the state? |
1.C.1.b. What are the characteristics of children with IFSP/IEPs who are spending time in general early care and education settings3 (e.g., disability category, race/ethnicity, LEP, age, SES)? |
1.C.1.c. What percentage of children with IFSP/IEPs are spending time in high-quality early care and education settings? |
1.C.2. To what extent are children with IFSP/IEPs participating in other programs for children and families? |
1.C.2.a. What percentage of children in EI/ECSE are enrolled in public insurance, such as Medicaid and/or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)? |
1.C.2.b. What percentage of children or families in EI/ECSE are receiving other public services (e.g., The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children [WIC]; foster care; children with special health care needs [CSHCN]; child protective services [CPS]; supplemental security income [SSI])? |
1.D. Child and Family Outcomes |
1.D.1. What are the outcomes for children and families participating in early intervention/early childhood special education (EI/ECSE)? |
1.D.1.a. How many children exiting EI/ECSE showed greater than expected growth (summary statement 1) and exited within age expectations (summary statement 2)? How do the patterns compare across child outcomes?) |
1.D.1.b. What percentage of children who receive EI services continue on to ECSE? (i.e., What percentage of children in ECSE received EI services?) |
1.D.1.c. What outcomes do families achieve during their time in EI/ESCE (e.g., helping their child develop and learn, being able to advocate for their rights)? |
1.D.1.d. How have child and family outcomes changed over time, and how do the trends compare across outcomes (for the state and local programs)? |
1.D.2. What factors are related to better outcomes for children and families participating in early intervention or early childhood special education (EI/ECSE)? |
1.D.2.a. How do child and family outcomes differ by child and family characteristics (e.g., disability, demographics1, and risk4? |
1.D.2.b. What is the relationship between family outcomes and child outcomes? |
1.D.2.c. How do outcomes for children and families differ by characteristics of IDEA services received (e.g., length of time in service, type and quantity of service, service setting, service-delivery model, and quality of services)? |
1.D.2.d. How do outcomes for children and families differ by characteristics of the workforce (e.g., years of experience, level of education, and participation in professional development)? |
1.D.2.e. What is the relationship between child outcomes and characteristics of the general early care and education settings in which children with IFSP/IEPs spend time (e.g., child to caregiver ratio, type/variety of settings, curricula, staff experience, and quality)? |
1.D.2.f. What factors (e.g., amount and type of service, level and type of personnel) contribute to better outcomes without increased cost? |
1.D.3. What are the long-term outcomes of children who participate in early intervention/early childhood special education (EI/ECSE)? |
1.D.3.a. What percentage of children who exit EI/ECSE at age expectations do not have an IEP in K-12 (e.g., in kindergarten, in third grade, in grade 12, at graduation, ever)? |
1.D.3.b. What are the characteristics of children who exit EI/ECSE at age expectations and without an IEP but who subsequently receive an IEP later in K-12? How do they differ from EI/ECSE recipients who do not receive special education services later in K-12? |
1.D.3.c. What percentage of children who have received EI/ECSE are achieving at grade level later in K-12 (e.g., at grade 3, grade 6)? What percentage of children who exit EI/ECSE at age expectations achieve at grade level later in K-12? How do these percentages compare with the percentage of their classmates achieving at grade level? |