Delivered services data refer to the actual early intervention services (e.g., types and quantity) that children and families receive. These valuable services data may assist Part C staff with a number of tasks and decisions, such as identifying staffing needs and managing workloads, overall budget development and management, and forecasting expected and actual revenue. When these services data are linked with other child and family information, states can answer important questions about their early intervention programs.
Connection to DaSy Data System Framework:
- System Design and Development QI4: The Part C/Part B 619 state data system has the capacity to support accountability, program improvement, and program operations.
- Data Use QI1: Part C/Part B 619 state staff plan for data analysis, product development, and dissemination to address the needs of the state agency and other users.
Potential Data Elements
- Type of service
- Date of service
- Amount/duration (in units/minutes/hours)
- Provider name
- Setting (optional)
- User interface, navigation and data entry
- Validation checks
- Audit trail
- Billing (optional)
Key Considerations
- Given the amount of data entry required for delivered services, page layout and navigation are important to enhance the ease and efficiency of data entry. Avoid layering these data under multiple menu levels so as to minimize the number of keystrokes it takes to enter the data.
- Automated validation checks can be used to minimize data entry mistakes and improve data quality. Consider validation checks using IFSP dates, expected start and end date for each planned service, logical checks for duration of service, and checks on entry of provider name based on the type of service and/or discipline of the provider.
- Sometimes local early intervention programs maintain a separate local data system in addition to the state system, e.g., if local providers bill private insurance and third-party payers directly. Because this situation may create the potential for double/duplicate data entry, a state may want to consider allowing for the exporting or importing of services data between local and state data systems.
- There are several possible ways to collect duration or quantity of a service—for example, in minutes, portions of an hour, or in specified units, such as number of 15-minute units. States also may calculate duration by capturing the start time and end time for a service.
- States use delivered services data for a number of purposes. If the data are to be used for billing public and/or private insurance, additional elements will be needed. For example, for billing Medicaid, the additional information required for a claim form includes an ICD-10 diagnosis code, procedure codes, and a National Provider Identifier for the service provider.
- If you are using these delivered services data to identify revenue sources and develop revenue projections, you may need additional child and family data elements to determine eligibility for programs such as Medicaid, Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
- Some states have integrated narrative and clinical information about delivered services into their data systems. This allows for recording meeting or progress notes associated with services provided to the child and family.
State Examples
- As seen in this screenshot from their SPIDER system, Connecticut uses a calendar-type layout to capture delivered services information.
- Video Demonstration (view 30:30-34:30)
- Shows how to enter delivered services information in the calendar layout.
This screenshot shows the data entry page for delivered services for Kentucky’s Technology-assisted Observation and Teaming Support (TOTS) system. The state uses their services data to bill Medicaid, so there are fields for CPT (Common Procedure and Treatment) and ICD (International Classification of Diseases) codes, both required for billing.
- Service Log Documentation. This document describes the purposes of logging services delivered, program requirements and timelines, and instructions for entering data into TOTS.
- PROMISe Provider Internet User Manual (see pages 157-159). Pennsylvania obtains delivered services information through claims forms submitted by providers through the PROMISe Provider Portal. The fields for entering these data are comparable to those found on a CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicare Services) 1500 form. Claims may also be submitted via batch files.
- The Service Authorization Notice Quick Reference Guide (QRG). This document describes how providers can obtain summary reports of claims and download those into Excel.
- IT Plan reference Guide (see pages 18-24). This document describes how planned services are collected via PA’s PELICAN system. The date of the first delivered service is also captured for use in reporting data for APR Indicator 1, Timely Services. All other delivered services are obtained via claims forms.
Related Resources
- Critical Questions About Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education (DaSy Center, 2015)
This document identifies a set of questions that a quality state data system for early intervention or early childhood special education should provide the data to answer, including questions answered with data on delivered services. The questions are grouped into Child & Family, Practitioner, and Local Program/Local Educational Agency themes. - Understanding and Using Fiscal Data: A Guide for Part C State Staff (DaSy Center, 2014)
This document provides an overview of the critical role of fiscal data in state Part C systems. The information is intended to help state Part C lead agency staff better understand strategic fiscal policy questions, the fiscal data elements needed to address those questions, and the benefits of using these data. - Use of Data for Fiscal Management of State Part C Systems (DaSy Center, 2015)
This document is designed to increase the knowledge and skills of lead agency staff regarding the use of data for appropriate fiscal management of Part C. It provides an in-depth look at the integral role of fiscal data in the development, management, and use of the state Part C budget.
Published June 2017.