DaSy Center

Using Generate to Prepare EDFacts Files (June 14)


Hear from West Virginia about their experience using the Center for the Integration of IDEA Data's (CIID's) Generate tool to prepare IDEA EDFacts files for submission. The CIID project director […]

Building a Culture of Data Use (Oct. 4)


On Thursday, October 4 at 4:00 pm Eastern, join us for a one-hour webinar exploring our new Data Culture Toolkit. We'll walk you through the five key steps to building […]

National Child Outcomes Results (Oct. 9)


The ECTA and DaSy Center staff will have wrapped up their national child outcomes analysis and will share the results with states. TA center staff will share national estimates, state […]

National Family Outcomes Results (Oct. 30)


The ECTA and DaSy Center staff will have completed their national family outcomes data analysis and will share the results with states. TA center staff will share the national performance […]

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