Established in 2015, the Urban Institute’s Pay for Success Initiative provides targeted technical assistance (TA) to clients seeking help with PFS projects, including Notice of Support Availability. The Initiative also […]
Category Archives: Resource Type
Harvard Kennedy School’s Social Impact Bond Technical Assistance Lab (SIB Lab)
Established with support from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Social Innovation Fund, the SIB Lab conducts research on how governments can foster social innovation and provides pro bono technical assistance […]
Pay for Success in the U.S. – Summaries of Financed Projects
This 2015 resource contains a summary from the Institute for Child Success about eight current PFS-funded projects across a range of policy areas/service sectors. These are about PFS projects that […]
Social impact bonds: A promising new financing model to accelerate social innovation and improve government performance.
This 2011 resource provides an introduction to social impact bonds (SIBs), a type of PFS funding model. It provides a general introduction to the model, and discusses the advantages, challenges, […]
Social Innovation Fund evaluation plan guidance: A step-by-step guide to designing a rigorous evaluation
This 2014 document provides guidance for PFS grantees, subgrantees, and evaluators for preparing a PFS evaluation plan and includes a detailed suggested evaluation plan outline (including implementation and impact evaluation […]
The payoff of pay-for-success
This 2015 article describes some of the early PFS project in the U.S. and discusses some of the pros and cons of the model as currently being implemented. Citation: Rangan, […]
Frequently Asked Questions: Social Impact Bonds
This 2012 guide contains a set of common questions about Social Impact Bonds (a type of PFS model). Costa, K., Shah, S., Ungar, S., & Social Impact Bonds Working Group. […]
Social Finance U.S.
This nonprofit organization dedicated to mobilizing investment capital to drive social progress designs and manages public-private partnerships across complex policy areas (e.g. education achievement gaps, health disparities). Its sister organization […]
Centre for Social Impact Bonds in the United Kingdom’s Cabinet Office
This U.K. government website compiles information about the country’s more than 32 PFS projects in areas like youth unemployment, mental health, and homelessness. Resources include case studies, information on best […]
Corporation for National and Community Service
The Corporation for National and Community Service is a federal agency that helps more than 5 million Americans improve the lives of their fellow citizens through service. Its Social Innovation […]