State of the States: Child-Level Data Systems

A child-level data system is an electronic data system that contains personally identifiable child-level data for all or nearly all children who are receiving Part C or Part B 619 services. Child-level elements within state data systems are the building blocks of program reporting and improvement.

State has at least one electronic data system that contains personally identifiable child-level data about children who are receiving (Part C/Part B 619) services.
Green Yes for Part C and Part B 619 (95%)
Blue Yes for Part C, No for Part B 619 (2%)
Orange No for Part C, Yes for Part B 619 (4%)
Red No for Part C and Part B 619 (0%)
Gray Data not available for at least one program (0%)

States & Territories


The 2023 survey data includes states that submitted and provided permission to publish the data. Grey indicates that the full 2023 data are not included but prior years’ data may be available.