DaSy Center

Identification and Referral of Children with Deaf-Blindness

Virtual Event

The identification and referral of infants and toddlers who are deaf-blind requires coordination and collaboration at state and national levels. A key responsibility of the National Center on Deaf-Blindness (NCDB) and state deaf-blind projects (SDBPs) is to work with national and state partners and systems to identify and refer children who are deaf-blind as early […]

Opportunities Under ARP for State Data System Development or Enhancements


The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 was signed into law on March 11, 2021. Under ARP, $250 million will be allocated for IDEA Part C grant awards as a one-time only supplemental to the FFY 2021 funds. Join DaSy and other state staff on Tuesday, May 4 at 4pm ET to chat with your […]

Expanding your Virtual Engagement Toolbox


Working hard to engage more people in virtual discussions about your data and decisions for your program? There are tools available to create a virtual environment where participants can be highly involved in data discussions. Join us on June 15 at 1 pm ET for the Expanding your Virtual Engagement Toolbox webinar. What you’ll learn: […]

What DaSy Can Do for You! Webinar


Looking for more information on the Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy), but don't know where to start? Join us on June 21 at 4 pm ET for the What DaSy Can Do for You! webinar. Get information about current and upcoming technical assistance opportunities for your state’s Part C and Part B […]

Targeted Leadership TA Series, Session 4: Data Leadership – What it Means for Equity

Virtual Event

Inequities can exist throughout early intervention and early childhood special education service delivery process, from pre-referral though transition, and will remain invisible unless identified and addressed by committed leaders. This session will provide an introduction to what it means to use data to lead for equity through the use of critical questions that program leaders […]

Webinar: Building Effective Virtual Teams for Stakeholder Engagement


Having a robust stakeholder engagement plan is important. As states work to engage a broad range of stakeholders on an ongoing basis, virtual strategies and methods continue to be important – even as face-to-face gatherings start to increase after the pandemic. How do you build an infrastructure for virtual engagement? Join us on July 15 […]

OSEP Leadership and Project Directors’ Conference

Virtual Event

The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) will hold its Leadership and Project Directors’ Conferencevirtually July 19 – 22, 2021. This year’s conference will combine OSEP’s bi-annual Leadership and Project Directors’ conferences. Sessions that are applicable to Leadership Conference and Project Directors’ Conference audiences will be offered.

RISE to the Challenge: Resolve, Innovate, Support, Engage

CADRE’s 8th National Symposium on Dispute Resolution, a virtual meeting, will take place on October 28-29, 2021. Symposium participants include OSEP staff, state dispute resolution coordinators, directors of special education, dispute resolution practitioners, parent center staff, parents, parent leaders, attorneys, educators, service providers, and researchers. The event is free to attend.

Introduction to Evidence-based Hearing Screening and Evaluation Practices for Children Ages 0–5

Each day, children with hearing loss attend early childhood programs. It's important for staff to learn how to identify these children. Join us in this webinar to discuss improving the quality of hearing screening and evaluation practices for children ages birth to 5. Find resources to support the development and sustainability of high-quality hearing screening […]

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