DaSy Center

CIID & CEDS: Your Roadmap to Data Integration


The Center for the Integration of IDEA Data (CIID) and Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) will present this joint webinar will highlight how CEDS can support data integration efforts, particularly Steps 3, 4, and 5 of the Data Integration Toolkit. During this webinar, CIID and CEDS experts will demonstrate the CEDS tools using data integration […]

Back-to-Basics on Part C Child and Family Outcomes—What You Need to Know About Indicators C3 and C4


This webinar will focus on beginning level information on Indicator C3 (Child Outcomes) and C4 (Family Outcomes), including a review of the indicators’ specific criteria and data sources; steps and calculations required to collect, analyze, and report Indicator C3 and Indicator C4 data; and tips and cautions to consider when preparing data for these indicators.

National and Local Child Outcomes Reporting


The ECTA and DaSy Center staff will share national estimates, state variation in performance, and a quick refresher on how to interpret the state data quality reports. After that, the Desired Results Access Project team from California will share their innovative new Indicator 7 reports which display state, Local Planning Area, and district data on […]

Pay for Success (Sept. 20)


Pay for Success (PFS) is an innovative and promising financing model that has the potential to expand high-quality services for young children at risk or with disabilities and their families. Interested in PFS? In this webinar, DaSy will provide a brief overview and describe three ways that states can build their capacity to pursue PFS: […]

Back-to-Basics on the Part C State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report—What You Need to Know About the Part C SPP/APR


This webinar continues IDC’s Back-to-Basics Webinar Series for new Part C state staff, staff with new SPP/APR responsibilities, and those who want a refresher on the ins-and-outs of this planning and reporting process. The webinar will focus on beginning level foundational information and feature an overview of the SPP/APR and its indicators, the required data […]

Back-to-Basics on the IDEA Section 618 Part C Data Collections—What You Need to Know About Collecting and Reporting Your Part C 618 State

This webinar continues IDC’s Back-to-Basics Webinar Series for new Part C state staff, staff with new Part C data collection responsibilities using the federal data systems, and those who want a refresher on ins-and-outs of the data collections. The webinar will focus on beginning level foundational information about the data collections, such as required elements, […]

Family Survey Highlights: FFY 2015

The ECTA and DaSy Center staff have completed their national family outcomes data analysis and are ready to share the results with states. TA center staff will share the national performance data, family survey approaches used, provide a refresher on interpreting state data quality profiles, and highlight several new resources. State participants will share and […]

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