DaSy Center

The State of the Data on Hispanic Children and Families (Sept. 20)


This webinar builds on a series of briefs and interactive data tools developed by the National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families to explore the existing data infrastructure, how to capitalize on the strengths of our current data, where the data could be improved, and what might be the goals of future data collection […]

2018 Early Childhood Data Systems Survey Results (Sept. 25)


Join the Early Childhood Data Collaborative for the latest national and state results from our 2018 Early Childhood Data Systems survey. You will get a first look at ECDC's new interactive website and see how the development of early childhood coordinated data systems have shifted since 2013. They also will discuss innovative state approaches to […]

Increasing Your State’s Capacity to Share Your Data Effectively (Sept. 28)

This IDEA Data Center (IDC) webinar will focus on the need for states to give thoughtful consideration to understanding the targeted audience, formulating key messages, planning a dissemination strategy, and providing access to the data in order to share data effectively with their stakeholders. Presenters will discuss important questions related to analysis and use of […]

Building a Culture of Data Use (Oct. 4)


On Thursday, October 4 at 4:00 pm Eastern, join us for a one-hour webinar exploring our new Data Culture Toolkit. We'll walk you through the five key steps to building a culture of data use in a state or local program: Formalize your data team and its vision/purpose; assess your data use culture; prioritize your […]

National Child Outcomes Results (Oct. 9)


The ECTA and DaSy Center staff will have wrapped up their national child outcomes analysis and will share the results with states. TA center staff will share national estimates, state variation in performance, and provide a quick refresher on how to interpret the state data quality reports.

National Family Outcomes Results (Oct. 30)


The ECTA and DaSy Center staff will have completed their national family outcomes data analysis and will share the results with states. TA center staff will share the national performance data, family survey approaches used, provided a refresher on interpreting state data quality profiles, and highlight several new resources.

Guidance for Implementing Effective Training & TA on the Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Process (Nov. 29)


ECTA and DaSy presenters will provide an overview of the national resources available to support COS training and TA, and how they might be incorporated into ongoing professional development (PD). State Part C and 619 leaders will share information about their COS PD systems, including how they are addressing critical staff knowledge and skill development […]

Helping State and Local Staff Team Up for Effective Data Analysis and Use (Dec. 6)


This IDEA Data Center (IDC) webinar will focus on how IDC can help state and local teams work together more strategically to improve their data analysis and use efforts. Presenters also will discuss available IDC resources that teams can use to support data analysis and use. Participants will hear from one of their state colleagues […]

Parent Involvement Data: Strategies for Addressing Common Challenges (Dec 17)


State and local staff encounter a number of challenges collecting, analyzing, reporting, and using parent involvement data. Presenters will explore best practices and strategies related to two commonly challenging areas - survey development and methods for collecting data from families. Presenters also will highlight resources states can use to improve the quality of their parent […]

Collecting, Analyzing and Sharing Qualitative Data (Jan. 30)

This webinar will share best practices in collecting, analyzing and sharing qualitative data and provide an example from Louisiana's SSIP work. Qualitative data can provide valuable information that complements quantitative findings in assessing progress, identifying successes and challenges and making improvements. Presenters will share resources to support qualitative methods and participants will engage in an […]

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