DaSy Center

Considerations for Making Changes to SIMR Baseline and Targets Webinar


On Monday, April 11, the IDEA Data Center (IDC) will host a webinar focusing on the white paper developed by IDC and DaSy, Considerations for Making Changes to SIMR Baseline and Targets, which discusses reasons that could lead Part C or Part B state agencies to propose a change in their SIMR baseline or targets. […]

Early Childhood Inclusion: Implementation of the State Recommendations


fhe U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services invite you to join Early Childhood Inclusion: Implementation of the State Recommendations. Representatives from the States of Maryland, Vermont and Massachusetts will join Libby Doggett to discuss the implementation of high quality inclusion programs in their States and how they are […]

Communicating with Families


On Thursday, April 21st at 3 pm EDT, join Kiersten Beigel from the Office of Head Start and Brandi Black Thacker from the National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement to learn about strategies for communicating and connecting with families. Kiersten and Brandi will use the Head Start Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Framework […]

Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of IDEA—Why You Should Care About This Report and How You Might Use It


This IDEA Data Center (IDC) webinar will review the purpose and history of the Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (ARC), its current organization and content, links to the ARC and its data sources, and suggestions for how participants can use the report. The webinar will take […]

Assessing Impact of Infrastructure Improvements


This national webinar is for state Part B and Part C staff focused on strategies for assessing the impact of SSIP infrastructure improvements. Representatives from two state departments of education and two state Part C programs will participate in a “virtual state panel” and share their experiences with implementing infrastructure changes as well as their […]

Pay for Success (PFS): An Innovative Funding Structure in Early Childhood


Pay for Success (PFS) is an innovative funding model used to address complex social problems. In a typical PFS Financing model, private investors finance the cost of operating a promising or proven social program that has the potential to save the government money in the long term. Over 40 PFS projects are currently being implemented […]

Understanding the Role of IT & Program Staff During Data Integration


This Center for the Integration of IDEA Data (CIID) webinar will highlight the importance of program and information technology (IT) staff in supporting data integration efforts. CIID staff will facilitate a conversation with select state representatives about how to engage staff from IT and program offices and the important role they play in identifying the […]


SLDS Webinar on Vermont Insights


Wednesday, June 22nd at 1:00 PM ET, the Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) Program and Early Learning Technical Assistance (ELC TA) Program will host a webinar on Vermont Insights, an online interactive site that allows users to find and use data to understand the well-being of Vermont’s children, families and communities. This webinar is part […]

Framework Self-Assessment Comparison Tool webinar


Our soon-to-be-released Excel-based Self-Assessment Comparison Tool will provide states with a mechanism to examine changes over time in the implementation of improvement processes for one or more components/subcomponents of the ECTA and DaSy Frameworks. Join this webinar on Wednesday, June 29 from 3:00 to 4:00 pm EDT to learn how to use the Self-Assessment Comparison […]

What’s New in CEDS


Join the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) for a webinar on Wednesday, July 27 at 1:00 pm EDT to learn about the newly-released Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) Version 6. CEDS is a P-20W education data management initiative that contains tools to help organize how education data is collected and used; a data standard […]

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