DaSy Center

ESSA and Early Learning


Join CEELO, state leaders from NAECS-SDE and the US Department of Education Office of Early Learning for a discussion about new guidance on how the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) helps ensure that young children from birth through third grade get the strong start they need to achieve success in school and in life.

TA Centers Using CEDS to Support States


Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) provides numerous tools and resources that can help states with data integration, master data management, and data use. This webinar explores the ways CEDS can help by looking at how the Center for the Integration of IDEA Data (CIID), State Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) state-driven workgroups, and the Center for […]

DaSy Coffee Talk #3


This 30-minute conversation will provide opportunities for States to receive information about how to strengthen Part C and Part B 619 participation in Early Childhood Integrated Data Systems (ECIDS) discussions. To join, login to https://tadnet.adobeconnect.com/DaSy-SRI with your full name and state, and call in at (866) 426-5206, code 473-062-7118#. Note that there are additional Coffee […]

Using the Pay for Success Project Assessment Tool


This webinar will introduce and demonstrate the Pay for Success Initiative’s new PFS Project Assessment Tool (PAT). The PAT is designed to help governments, funders, and other stakeholders answer a fundamental question: What makes for a strong pay for success project? The PAT describes the core elements of PFS projects, explains why those elements are […]

A National Picture: Child Outcomes for FFY 2014-15


ECTA and DaSy Center staff along with several Part C and 619 state staff will present the national child outcomes data for FFY 2014-2015 and discuss state specific variation. National child outcomes data trends will be shared to explore what is behind the national numbers. The State Child Outcomes Data Quality Profiles, which provide an […]

SLDS Webinar on D.C. Homeless Data Sharing


Please join the SLDS Program on Tuesday, December 13, 2016 from 2:00-3:00 PM ET for a webinar highlighting District of Columbia’s bi-directional data sharing with social service agencies. Representatives from the D.C. Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) will provide an overview their inclusion of homeless data. Registration is required to join this […]

A National Picture of Part C Indicator 4 Family Data


Please join us to learn more about the national FFY 2014-2015 Part C Indicator 4 family data. ECTA Center staff will present trends in the data as well as overviews of states' survey methodology, including survey type, distribution and return methods, and scoring. A review of data quality, such as response rates and representativeness, will […]

Privacy, please! Safeguarding the privacy of young children with disabilities under IDEA & FERPA


Join DaSy and privacy and legal experts from the U.S. Department of Education on Thursday, December 15 at 3 pm ET for a discussion of answers to frequently asked questions related to privacy and confidentiality for IDEA early childhood programs. Presenters include Susan Kauffman, Office of Special Education Programs; Frank Miller, Family Policy Compliance Office; […]

Completing Your SPP/APR on GRADS360


In this 90 minute webinar, the staff from U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) will walk state staff through the technical aspects of filling out the online SPP/APR on GRADS360. Topics will include historical data, prepopulation data, providing supporting documentation, and the SSIP indicators.

SLDS Webinar: ED-HHS Data Report


On Tuesday, January 10, the State Longitudinal Data Systems Program will host a webinar on the recently released U.S. Departments of Education & Health and Human Services joint report, The Integration of Early Childhood Data: State Profiles and a Report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Education. […]

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