DaSy Center

Latest Past Events

RISE to the Challenge: Resolve, Innovate, Support, Engage

CADRE’s 8th National Symposium on Dispute Resolution, a virtual meeting, will take place on October 28-29, 2021. Symposium participants include OSEP staff, state dispute resolution coordinators, directors of special education, dispute resolution practitioners, parent center staff, parents, parent leaders, attorneys, educators, service providers, and researchers. The event is free to attend.

OSEP Leadership and Project Directors’ Conference

Virtual Event

The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) will hold its Leadership and Project Directors’ Conferencevirtually July 19 – 22, 2021. This year’s conference will combine OSEP’s bi-annual Leadership and Project Directors’ conferences. Sessions that are applicable to Leadership Conference and Project Directors’ Conference audiences will be offered.

Building Resilient Data Analytics | 2021 ECDataWorks Virtual Convening

Virtual Event

Building Resilient Data Analytics Virtual Convening, hosted by ECDataWorks, will be held February 22-26, 2021. The convening will highlight national examples, hear from leading experts in data analytics, and have opportunities for state teams to work together on advancing their analytics to support the information needs of their state agencies. The conference is invitation only, […]

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