Data Linking Toolkit: Linking Part C Data with Part B 619 Data

Overview Linking Part C Data with Part B 619 Data

Linking child-level data across Part C and Part B 619 offers significant opportunities to evaluate and improve policies, procedures, practices, infrastructure, and compliance and, most importantly, to answer questions about the children, families, services, and providers relate to transition and child outcomes. If staff would like general information on Part C to Part B 619 transition, they can search the DaSy and ECTA websites for these topics.

Data Linking of Part C Transition Data with Part B 619 Data

IDEA includes specific requirements for the transition of eligible children from Part C services to Part B 619 services at age 3. It requires that states monitor implementation of transition requirements and ensure the quality of these efforts to facilitate the transition process, prepare Part B 619 program staff to meet the individualized needs of children, and minimize potential delays in services.

Linking data from Part C with Part B 619 program data supports transition activities and informs efforts to evaluate and improve both programs. These linked data provide opportunities to answer transition-related questions that would otherwise not be easily answered. Additionally, the linked data can inform discussions about the overall value of these early childhood IDEA programs as well as support compliance and improve program quality.

Data Linking of Part C Child Outcomes Data with Part B 619 Child Outcomes Data

IDEA requires that the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) include provisions that both Part C and Part B programs set targets on three child outcome areas and report annually on progress toward the targets. The three child outcome areas are the percentages of children who demonstrate improved:

  • positive social-emotional skills,
  • acquisition and use of knowledge and skill, and
  • use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.

States have flexibility in selecting the tools and methods for collecting and reporting on these three outcomes, and there is variability across Part C and Part B 619 programs. However, because the APR reporting requirements are identical across both programs, there are significant opportunities to link and use these data to answer critical questions related to the children, their services, other programs in which they are included, and the outcomes they reach in each program.

Questions That Linked Data Can Answer

DaSy developed some questions about Part C to Part B 619 transition and child outcomes. These questions can serve as a starting point for discussions between data linking partners about what they wish to learn. It is important for the partners to develop clear questions as part of the overall data linking process. These questions help drive the process, impact the selection of variables, and establish buy-in from internal and, when applicable, external stakeholders.

Published July 2022.