This 2011 checklist is designed to assist stakeholder organizations with establishing and maintaining a successful data governance program by summarizing the key data privacy and security components of such a […]
Data Governance Checklist

This 2011 checklist is designed to assist stakeholder organizations with establishing and maintaining a successful data governance program by summarizing the key data privacy and security components of such a […]
This 2016 brief promotes formal data governance for Part C data by describing lessons learned from other industries; outlining the risks of informal data governance and benefits of formal data […]
Presenters: Bruce Bull, Sharon Walsh, Denise Mauzy, Christy Cronheim, Rick Harris, & Maria Synodi This 2014 presentation focuses on the role of Data Governance in protecting data and facilitating improved […]
This 2011 brief provides guidance on how to successfully manage complex data systems by establishing a comprehensive data governance approach. Data governance principles discussed in this paper apply to a […]