Category Archives: OSEP

OSEP Blog: Suspension, Expulsion & Informal Removals: Unexpected Realities in Preschool

DaSy Director Grace Kelley and DaSy TA Specialist Jennifer Tschantz contributed to OSEP Director Valerie C. Williams’ May Discipline Discussions Blog. This month she addressed the important topic of suspensions, expulsions, and other forms of exclusionary discipline that remove children from their preschool environment and end up creating stressful and isolating experiences for children and their families.

Welcome from OSEP

Welcome to the the 2020 Improving Data, Improving Outcomes (IDIO) Virtual Convening from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) by Larry Wexler, Division Director, and David Cantrell, Deputy Director, with an introduction by Meredith Miceli, DaSy Program Officer.