Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) submits an annual report to Congress on the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The Annual Report to Congress focuses on children and students with disabilities who received services specific to IDEA Part C for infants and toddlers or IDEA Part B for children and youth. This presents the 618 data in a different format than the data tables also included in this resource collection.

The report sets the context at the national level and state level and provides year-to-year data changes. It may contain notes to explain specific state variations.

In the 2018 report, child count data at the national level begins on page 12. Child count data at the state level is found on pages 93 (Change in percentage of served in Part C from 2008 to 2016), 269-270 (Exhibit A-1), and 271-272 (Exhibit A-2). These data include the number and percentage of infants, toddlers, children, and students from birth to age 21 served under IDEA Part C and Part B organized by age group, race/ethnicity, state, and year. In addition to seeing the national picture on Part C Child Find, states can review data from individual states that might be comparable based on other factors such as size or drawing on other relevant factors of interest. Below is a list of exhibits found in the report displaying national and state data relevant to Part C Child Find.

Note: Page numbers and exhibits are provided for the 2018 report for reference. Exact page numbers and exhibit numbers may shift from year to year in the report. However, readers can expect to find the same information around the same page or exhibit number in subsequent years.

Exhibit 1: Number of infants and toddlers birth through age 2 served under IDEA, Part C, and percentage of the population served by year: Fall 2007 through fall 2016
Exhibit 2: Percentage of the population birth through age 2 served by year and age group 2007-2016
Exhibit 3: Number infants and toddlers and percentage of the population served (risk index), comparison risk index, and risk ratio for infants and toddlers birth-2 served by race/ethnicity: Fall 2016
Exhibit 4: Cumulative number of infants and toddlers birth through age 2 served in 12-month reporting period and percentage of the population served (risk index), comparison risk index, and risk ratio for infants and toddlers by race/ethnicity, 12 month reporting period 2015-2016

Exhibit 52: Percentage of the population birth through 2 served under IDEA, Part C, by year and state: Fall 2008 and fall 2016
Exhibit 53: Percentage of the population birth through age 2 served for each racial/ethnic group, by state, Fall 2016
Exhibit 54: Percentage of population birth through 2 served for each racial/ethnic group, cumulatively during 12-month reporting period, by state 2015-2016
Exhibit A-1: Number and percentage of the population of infants and toddlers birth through 2 served under IDEA, Part C, and children and students ages 3-21 served under IDEA Part B, by age group and state: Fall 2016
Exhibit A-2: Number of infants and toddlers birth through age 2 served under IDEA Part C, by race/ethnicity and state: Fall 2016

Published by: U.S. Department of Education

View OSEP 2018 Annual Report to Congress